A Journey Inspiring Trustworthy Relationships
Conversations is an opportunity to have directed authentic dialogue about relevant life issues surrounding social and emotional realms. Small focused peer groups meet to tackle a conversation question looking at both the impact it is having on culture as well as personally. Participants reflect on their own personal journey and generate new possibilities and desired outcomes.
The Conversations program is available for females from grade 6 through to University. It is presented as an independent learning module or multiple sessions. Participants are then given the opportunity to mentor and encourage younger women through creating video clips and acting as small group leaders for younger peer groups.
Current module examples
My World
How media shapes the way I see myself
Healthy body imageMy Friends
Girl to Girl: Who do I trust?
Girl WarsMyself Online
Keeping safe in a world without boundaries
Staying authentic
Conversation is a springboard for change, for transformation. Questions are a powerful tool. Quality conversations happen by using powerful questions. The real struggle is about how to get people to the table whose voices haven’t been heard very often… these are conversations that matter.Authentic Leadership; David Irvine & Jim Reger